3rd EFLM Strategic Conference 2022


Where is the MedLab industry headed in the next decade? Partnership model for efficient integration and adoption of emerging technologies and innovations (artificial intelligence, machine learning, advanced and integrative diagnostics) in the IVD landscape into Medical Laboratories

Digital transformation towards the laboratory of the future. Perspectives for the next decade

Big data and how to utilize it to improve service, quality and patient outcomes. Training the next generation to collect/analyze and use lab data in a more efficient manner with more focus on post-analytics than analytics

Novel technologies and clinical research in enabling precise and personalized medicine.

Green Labs for improving environmental sustainability. What are the Priorities of Medical Laboratories under the EU Green Deal?

IVD regulation and the road to May 2022 and beyond. Preparation of the profession for the new IVDR

Strategic vision for laboratory services that add value. Cost-effective and clinically effective laboratory services – enhancing the value of laboratory testing with focus on major (acute and chronic) public health problems

Direct to Consumer Testing – what role should laboratory medicine have?

What do you expect from EFLM in the next years? Open discussion for the participants to join the discussion and speak openly about the latest trends, challenges and opportunities they are facing?

Börjar: 2022-05-25
Slutar: 2022-05-27
Mötesplats: Digitalt
Gatuadress: Digitalt